

I really suck. I have yet again been too busy to post. Unfortunately, this is not due to heavy drinking and sexual dancing. I am of course dying in my bed and have been for the last couple of days.. Global warming is such a bitch and the change in weather keeps destroying my life, my mood, my outfits and my health. My mum says I should put a bowl of onions in water in my room; some sort of herbal ancient remedy. Is this crazy talk? Does this work? I don't want to aimlessly be putting smelly shiz in my room if it has no purpose so if anyone has tried this trible babble before please let me know!

In other news.. I am still penniless, I have still not touched any of my uni work, I am still buying clothes on my credit card and soon will be stalked by debt collecters. But most importantly, the boyfriend and I have found the most perfect holiday to Egypt for 2 weeks! Now to find some sort of sponsorship or funding...

But screw it. These babies make my life complete.

 Camilla Skovgaard - £375: They're so fabulous, I DIE. Flash lightening platform, yummmmy.

Ok. Enough of the shoe porn. I'm off to illegal download depressing music to die to in my bed. I'll keep you posted if I'm still alive tomorrow.


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